Wednesday 13 February 2013

Trip To London

While on a nice trip out to london we visited same museums to which had some lovely japanese art to which I photographed. Unfortunately most of it was ruined by it being to blurry beyond recognition. So sorry as some of these (the ones that didn't come out as bad as the others) are a little blurry but have given me some ideas.


So very blurry but what I liked about this was that it was sheet of glass that made up layers of different things. The male, a tree and a mountain. You could mix and match however you liked. This mix up of layers may come in handy later.


Again a little blurred. Its a metal landscape. What I liked about this was how it showed depth. It moved things up instead of making it smaller.

Mainly looking at the character art here and pose. Just to get an idea or two.


So blurry again BUT (and is the same for a lot of decorated pots) I like that the back ground is one colour which shows through the characters. This buzzed my brain waves a little.


  1. that 'sheet of glass' effect is absolutely how your world should feel, Mike - lots of layers, lots of translucency, 'rice-paper' style.

    1. Yes very much so> Its given me the idea of getting some tracing paper (so somewhat like you said about after effects) and seeing what I can come up with.
