Friday 28 December 2012

Fixing The Hero

I didn't really change much here. I tried taking off the shoulder pads and altering a few things but in the end i didn't like a massive change so I went with no 4 as I think he looks the most interesting. The face however needs some work, eyes etc as I kept on trying different things but always look iffy.

I then went onto making these as I wanted to see what the character would look like with and with out the cape as it is meant to be removable. I think he looks good with out the cape/cloak but I think looks better with.


  1. Is he supposed to be strong or just agile?

    1. Well he's supposed to have a little strength but mostly agile. Reason why he is not massively bulky.

    2. Ok, that's why I asked as he has no difference between pectorals to belly, so he's flat. Looking a bit weak flooby shaped

    3. Thats good then as I wanted him flat, only shape really should come from the cloths. Although when I come around to doing the turn arounds I may add a little more definition to his chest.

      AS always, thanks for your comments :)

      Have a nice day

  2. I agree with Nat here- I think he needs a slightly more defined upper body.I like the new costume detail around his waist now. And watch the right lower leg- its a little spindly compared to the thickness of his other foot, and his wrists.Watch the thickness of his left thigh - even with foreshortening, its too thin compared to his right. Coming on very nicely though!

    1. Ah okay Ill try playing around with his waist and chest area to try and come up with something that will define it a little more and fix his horrid legs.

      Thank you for your comments as always!

      Have a nice day!
